Understanding the Legal Basis of Article 114 TFEU

The Fascinating Legal Basis of Art 114 TFEU

Art 114 TFEU is a legal provision of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) that deals with the harmonization of laws and regulations within the European Union. Fascinating important topic far-reaching implications functioning EU member states.

Understanding Art 114 TFEU

Article 114 of the TFEU grants the European Parliament and the Council the power to adopt harmonization measures in order to ensure the functioning of the internal market. This means that the EU has the legal authority to create common rules and standards for goods and services traded within the EU, in order to eliminate barriers to trade and promote economic integration.

Case Studies

One interesting case study showcases importance Art 114 TFEU European Court Justice’s ruling case Commission v. United Kingdom. Case, Court held UK failed fulfill obligations Art 114 TFEU maintaining national requirement conflict EU law. This highlights the power of Art 114 TFEU in ensuring the enforcement of EU law and the supremacy of EU legislation.

Legal Basis

legal basis Art 114 TFEU found Treaty Functioning European Union. This legal provision is essential for the functioning of the internal market and the promotion of economic integration within the EU.


Year Number harmonization measures adopted Art 114 TFEU
2016 25
2017 30
2018 28

These statistics demonstrate ongoing importance relevance Art 114 TFEU EU’s legislative activities.

Art 114 TFEU is a crucial legal provision that underpins the functioning of the internal market and economic integration within the European Union. Its legal basis and the impact it has on EU law and member states make it a fascinating and important topic for anyone interested in EU law and governance.


Unlocking the Mysteries of Art 114 TFEU: Your Burning Legal Questions Answered

Legal Question Answer
1. What is the legal basis for Art 114 TFEU? The legal basis for Art 114 TFEU is found in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which grants the European Union the authority to adopt measures for the approximation of laws, regulations, and administrative provisions of Member States. This allows the EU to ensure the smooth functioning of the internal market.
2. How does Art 114 TFEU apply to product standards? Art 114 TFEU provides the legal framework for the harmonization of product standards across EU Member States. This means that the EU can adopt measures to ensure that products can move freely within the internal market without facing discriminatory barriers based on differing national regulations.
3. Can Art 114 TFEU be used to address environmental regulations? Yes, Art 114 TFEU can be invoked to harmonize environmental regulations within the EU. This allows the EU to take action to protect the environment while also facilitating the free movement of goods and services across borders.
4. What role does the European Commission play in implementing Art 114 TFEU? The European Commission is responsible for proposing measures under Art 114 TFEU. It conducts impact assessments and consultations with stakeholders to ensure that any proposed measures are proportionate and necessary to achieve the objectives of the internal market.
5. Can Member States challenge measures adopted under Art 114 TFEU? While Member States have the right to challenge measures adopted under Art 114 TFEU if they believe those measures exceed the EU`s legislative competence, such challenges are subject to review by the European Court of Justice, which ultimately has the authority to interpret and apply EU law.
6. What safeguards exist to protect Member States` sovereignty under Art 114 TFEU? Art 114 TFEU includes provisions to respect the essential state functions and the cultural and linguistic diversity of Member States. This ensures that measures adopted under Art 114 TFEU do not unduly interfere with national sovereignty.
7. Can Art 114 TFEU be used to address public health concerns? Yes, Art 114 TFEU can be invoked to address public health concerns, such as the regulation of pharmaceuticals or the promotion of healthy lifestyles. This allows the EU to take collective action to protect public health while also promoting the free movement of goods and services.
8. How does Art 114 TFEU interact with other provisions of EU law? Art 114 TFEU operates in harmony with other provisions of EU law, such as those related to competition policy, state aid, and fundamental rights. This ensures that measures adopted under Art 114 TFEU are consistent with the broader objectives of the European Union.
9. What is the significance of the “mutual recognition” principle in the context of Art 114 TFEU? The “mutual recognition” principle, which is linked to Art 114 TFEU, allows goods and services lawfully produced or provided in one Member State to be sold or offered in another Member State without being subject to additional requirements. This principle facilitates the free movement of goods and services within the EU.
10. How does Art 114 TFEU contribute to economic integration within the EU? Art 114 TFEU plays a crucial role in promoting economic integration by removing barriers to trade and fostering a level playing field for businesses operating within the internal market. This, in turn, enhances the overall competitiveness and prosperity of the European Union.


Art 114 TFEU Legal Basis Contract

This contract entered day, [insert date], parties involved accordance Article 114 Treaty Functioning European Union (TFEU).

Clause Description
1. Parties For the purposes of this contract, the parties involved are bound by the provisions of Article 114 TFEU relating to the harmonization of laws and regulations within the internal market of the European Union.
2. Scope This contract applies to the regulation and standardization of goods and services, including the establishment of a legal basis for the adoption of measures aimed at removing barriers to trade and ensuring the proper functioning of the internal market.
3. Legal Basis The legal basis for this contract is derived from the specific provisions of Article 114 TFEU, which empower the European Parliament and the Council to adopt harmonization measures for the internal market.
4. Regulatory Measures In accordance with Article 114 TFEU, the parties agree to comply with any regulatory measures adopted by the competent EU institutions to achieve the objectives of the internal market, including the removal of barriers to the free movement of goods and services.
5. Jurisdiction In the event of any dispute arising from this contract, the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union, as provided for in Article 267 TFEU, for the interpretation and application of EU law.
6. Final Provisions This contract represents the entire agreement between the parties concerning the legal basis of Article 114 TFEU and supersedes any previous agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter herein.
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